Why I Like Customer Complaints

I’ve been told that 90% of the people who are served a bad meal in a restaurant just pay the bill without complaining. BUT, they don’t come back.
Most of my products deal with watertight precast structures. I recently had a guy complain that the sheets between the rolls of butyl would not release. He fought with every roll of sealant. Most guys would have put up with the problem, but not this guy.
I went to see for myself.
Whenever I get a complaint, I always go to see for myself. Take my word for it, it has saved a lot of time and money over the years. Sometimes the contractor is looking for a scapegoat who will pay back charges to fix a problem. If I don’t go you can be certain that he will blame me. Sometimes, there’s a legitimate problem that needs attention. I cannot tell the difference until I see for myself.
Getting back to the point. The sticking release paper was a problem we did not know about. If he had said nothing, the butyl gasket would be sent to job sites. The contractor could have installed the butyl with pieces of paper stuck to it. That would ruin its effectiveness. A leaking joint would appear later, and the precaster would get a call.
I like the customer complaints because it gives us a chance to fix a problem we did not know about. In this case, it traced back to certain batch of sheets bought from a supplier who did not know he had a problem either. Everyone learned and the problem is solved.
If you find a problem, please speak up!